Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Sketch, January 17th

Thinking about hearts and flowers anticipating an upcoming holiday? This is just a fun little sketch to play with while you wait for the Spring lines coming out at CHA. Have fun - Liz.


  1. ohhhh love this one!! Thanks so much - was looking for my next fave! Hope you guys are having fun with your Jan kits - sniff! So sad I couldn't play this month - next month I'll be back though! (have to admit, I've stolen a few peeks at the Feb kit - just can't resist - sooooo yummy!)

  2. Liz, I wanted to say how tickled I am that you came by Stuck on U Sketches. We LOVE your sketches SO much and I know everyone is thrilled with them. Our site has meant a lot to me and I want to thank you for being a part of that! Leah
