Friday, July 23, 2010

Live Healthy Fridays

Are you getting at least 8 glasses a day?

I know this is one of those "duh" questions, but I think if most people thought about how much water they were drinking each day, they would be shocked by how little it really is...

Water makes up about 60 percent of your body weight and can be a important factor in helping you stay healthy and slim. Every system in your body depends on water, because it flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for your ears, nose and throat. Muscle actually holds more water than fat, but water is an important catalyst for flushing fat out of your system. Think about how much water you are drinking each day, and if you are drinking soda or coffee, think of that as a negative fluid deposit into your system that will need more water to flush it out. For example, if you had one soda (diet or regular) or coffee, then you probably need to drink an extra cup of water. I'm trying to replace much of what I used to drink with water, because it really does make me feel a whole lot better.

Thank you for stopping by -


  1. Um... if the water in diet coke counts them yep I'd probably reach my quota! :)

  2. You are so right! I have a special SIGG bottle, which I fill up at least 3 times a day. This way I can keep track of how much I drink - especially in school when I get so busy that I even forget to use the bathroom. LOL!!

  3. I am so not.. but thanks for the reminder! I need to cut out some of the diet soda!

  4. Very good advice - I struggle with this all the time.
