Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April in the Rockies - Continued

Just wanted to share that things are looking up today.  It's still chilly outside, but at least the sun is out and the snow from yesterday is mostly melted.  Hoping the temps climb this weekend.  I know some of you are experiencing temps in the 90s.  We only get that in the middle of July and it is rare.  I would be happy for 75 degrees :)
Thank you for all of your kind sympathy yesterday.  We spent all day inside and need to get out today and play. 

Enjoy your day -


  1. lol! I love the before and after pictures! Your neighborhood looks so nice! What wonderful views! I hope you get warmer weather soon! I shouldn't of spoken.. today is overcasty here with showers.. but still in the 60's at least!

  2. Oh gosh Liz, we've had wierd weather here lately too! We have had really bad storms 3 times now and more are predicted for this evening! A tornado came over us about 3 weeks ago! I am so happy to see the sunshine when it peeks out! Today is yucky too, dreary, raining.....I'm ready for Spring and Summer. Love the looks of those pics though!!! Hope you're doing well!

  3. My snow is gone from this morning.. it's 34 degrees out and cloudy. Isn't this weather weird? If we are lucky, it is supposed to hit 60 by Sunday with more rain in the forecast for next week. You have a very pretty neighborhood. Love the view of the mountains!!!!

  4. Oh, love your before and after photos! It can be that way here, too. The only thing predictable is how quickly the weather can change!

  5. Tee hee....look at it this way---more pics and stories to scrap!!
    I would be happy to get into the 60s. Here in PA we go from 50 to 80 in one day! Too cool, then too hot! That's weather for ya. At least no tornados here like our poor friends in the south. Get outside to rejuvenate your soul!
