Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Super Cute Cookie Box

Have you done a lot of baking and need to share the goodies with some with your friends and neighbors before you eat them all yourself?  Why not deliver them in a special container to hold all of the delectable creations?  I found this snowman shaped box at my local grocery store (on sale since it was so close to Christmas).  It was already somewhat decorated, but I decided to make it even more adorable by recovering it with one of my favorite holiday collections from Simple Stories called Handmade Holidays (how fitting).
I chose two pieces of patterned paper to line the outside of the box.  Then I measured and cut the strips of paper, matching up patterns where I could since it took more than one strip to go around the box.  Then I used a tape runner and glue gun to adhere the paper to the box.  I would recommend using something like Modge Podge to seal the paper to the box in order to make it more durable and ready for a second use.
To recreate the design, I used a plain piece of copy paper to trace some of the elements on the box and then cut them out as a pattern.  Then I used the pattern to trace on the papers I selected to fit my own style.  Pop dots on the buttons and part of the scarf make the design more fun and dimensional.
Finally I added some sentiments with cardstock stickers from Simple Stories Handmade Collection. This will be a fun gift for a neighbor or a friend.

Have a wonderful holiday week!


  1. Your snowman cookie box IS super cute! What a clever idea! TFS:)

  2. This is a super cute cookie box!!!!! I hope you enjoy your cake this weekend! :)
