Check out what the awesome guest designers did with this crazy sketch... Every single one of their interpretations are totally different and totally awesome. This sketch is also eligible for my
November Sketch Challenge - the last one in fact.
Marisol Valencia is our featured designer this week. She has shared some wonderful work before and this week is no exception. Here is a little bit about her, "
I’m Marisol and I live in Santander –Spain- with my three kids and my DH, though I’m from the most beautiful city in Spain: Salamanca. I started scrapbooking about 4 years ago when I bought the book The Complete Book of Scrapbooking. A new world opened in front of me and since then I can't stop scrapbooking. I’m completely hooked, I love it!!. I usually make pages but I love to create minialbums too. Some of my favorite things to do are mixing a lot of papers in my pages, using different inks and scattering my pages with flowers. I like to scrap at midday, with natural light, I choose my papers and supplies better this way."
This is what Marisol had to say about working with the sketch this week,
"First, I want to say how much I love Liz’s sketches: I create my pages with them easily. I was excited when I saw this sketch and I knew that I would follow it closely. I just fell in love with all the different elements. I just turned the stars into a pair of flowers, of course!; I adore flowers even in masculine pages. I have been using big photos on my pages lately, but when I saw 3 little photos on Liz’sketch, I immediately knew which photos I had to use: My son Ángel avoids the camera but I don’t mind, I always take photos of him, though he doesn't want me to. I have dedicated this page to him. I hope that his hatred for photos will disappear soon."Close Ups of Marisol's Work
Please visit Marisol's blog
Un Universo con fotos, Scrap y Mas for more information about her and details about her work.
Heather Robertson is back again this week with another stunning design. Her style is so fresh and fun. Here is what she had to say about working with the sketch,
"I love how Liz's sketches always inspire me to be a little whimsical. I love all the shapes and space because it really gives a lot of room for interpretation." Thanks Heather for another wonderful project.
Please visit Heather's blog
Unleashed!! for more information about her and details about her work.
Diana Gonzalez is also back for another week and had this to say about her fun layout, "
I can't tell you how much fun it was to do all the sketches. Thank you for giving me this great opportunity, your LO's are gorgeous and your sketches are too." Thank you Diana. Your work really showcases how versatile the sketch is.
Please visit Diana's blog
All the Days of Our Lifes for more information about her and details about her work.
Thank you so much for stopping by -